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dōteki uses TOML for the configuration file.

The configuration file doteki.toml is read from the current directory by default. You can specify a different path with the --config | -c option.

While setting up your configuration file, you must pay attention to the TOML sections. A TOML section starts with a header (e.g. [sections.last_updated]) and ends with the next header or the end of the file.

Read more about plugin configuration or the main application configuration options.


Here's an example doteki.toml configuration using the, Feed, and Random Choice plugins:

plugin = "lastfm"
username = "username"
n = 1
period = "7day"
inline = true

plugin = "feed"
url = ""
n = 5
show_date = false
prepend_text = "## Latest blog posts\n\n"
append_text = "\n\nMore on []("

plugin = "random_choice"
options = [
"🌲", "🌳", "🌴", "🌱", "🍃", "🍂", "🌿",
"🪻", "🍄", "🌷", "🌻", "🌺", "🎋", "☘️"
n = 10
with_replacement = true
preset = "glue"

plugin = "current_date"
inline = true
format = "%A, %d %B %Y"

and the matching
🎶 Lately I've been listening to <!-- lastfm start --><!-- lastfm end -->.

<!-- blog start -->
<!-- blog end -->

Check out my virtual garden:
<!-- garden start -->
<!-- garden end -->

<sub>Last updated on <!-- last_updated start --><!-- last_updated end -->.</sub>


After running dōteki, the would look like: